Thursday, September 27, 2007

I.T class

Now we started on html and we got to play around on it by writing and doing the colors and did other cool stuff for example: you can change the font, you can shange the colors, you can change the writing, or you can put in the middle if you want to.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I.T class

Last week the I.T teacher told us some example about sinchrinist and asinchrinist. Then she told us to play with I tried some cool new things there. Last week I added some websites in But before that all she told us some instructions.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I.T class

My first week in IT, the IT teacher told us some instructions and then she told us to register in delicious then we have to research for disasters then we have to copy the address and the we have to paste it in, after a week which is today 13-9-2007 we just did a new blogger account.