Saturday, November 1, 2008


My new technology is going to be the iPhone 2008, because, it can help with the Education, it is also used for communication, and for checking emails, it can help you with writing documents, but in better features. It has the banking transactions, it tells you when is the day of the week, it tells you the news of the day, it has over 800 friendly quotations,  it also has the language translation, it can tell you when is the domain address, it tells you the weather around the world, it has the parenting tips, it also has the currency converter. It has maps of cities and countries, it tells you the headlines, news and reviews about the outer space. It tells you when it is the write time to call, it has the mind reader, it has the security for the viruses. It has the mathematical flash cards. It has the recent news about China, it has the current and financial crisis news, it has the thesaurus. And you can find more on